Tuesday, August 2, 2011


So this is the blog post that I use to evaluate my summer.
Enthralling, I know.
But before you decide to stop reading because you think this is going to be all about how "super totally awesome" my summer was... how I spent my days sleeping in late, staying out late, and how I obtained a glowing, sun-kissed skin tone...
Think again.
Because I didn't do any of those things, actually.
But I still had...a "super totally awesome" summer.
Although, I really wish I did get to spend a little more time in the sun...I have to admit that this was, indeed, the best summer yet.
Well, I'm glad you asked.
I learned soo much this summer.
I learned how to make super cute aprons.
I learned how to bake super yummy stuff. (Like oreo-nies)
I learned how to stick to my beliefs, and that good things come when I do that.
I learned that pets are just as much a part of a family as any human. And when they die, it's just as hard as when a person dies.
I learned that it is possible to be tired enough that when you go to sleep at 7 pm, you won't wake up till the next morning.
I learned that a good friend can be any age.
I learned to always be nice to a receptionist/secretary/person who answers phones. No matter what.
I learned that when you're kind, you receive kindness back.
I learned that older guys can be shameless. Especially when they're sufficiently older than you.
I learned to always be genuine. Not that i haven't been, just that others really notice, and do appreciate it.
I learned that sometimes, you have to make tough decisions to make better things happen.
I learned how to drive to California.
I learned legal jargon. Like: deposition and garnishment.
I learned that in order to make it in life, you need connections.
I learned how to be more confident.
I learned that some new friends can be just as good as old friends.
I learned that sleeping is awesome. Not that i didn't know that before...just have a new found love for sleep.
I learned that having a full time job is really exhausting. Really!
I learned that 11:11 wishes really do come true. Well, I always knew that, I just had a couple come true. One of which, happened in the same night. WHAT? Yeah. :)
I learned that good things come to those that wait. ...A long time.
I learned that I can't do a backflip on a trampoline. I just can't! (And I tend to land on my neck...)
I learned not to take my family for granted, because life's too short.
But most importantly, I learned a lot about myself and what I want in life.
I'm heading into this school year motivated and excited to see what's in store.
Ahh I just really want to know what the future holds for me!
Until then though, I'm going to take it one step at a time. Everything happens when it's supposed to happen.
Anyway, Summer 2011, you've been good to me.

1 comment:

  1. omg i am commenting!

    this is kellie from your favorite place ever...work :)

    anyway, good post! you did indeed learn A LOT! that's so good. you will have more fun, growing adventures at school this up-coming semester i'm sure :) yay!!!
