Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Okay, seriously, I'm on a roll with keeping this updated...

You know how sometimes you just have a great day?
Yeah, that was today for me.
I mean, it wasn't anything extraordinary...
My life doesn't suck, I do have other good days...
But today just felt exceptionally great!
It could be due to the fact that I'm coming off of a Monday being super stressed, feeling burdened with decisions, and drowning myself in a Weather and Climates test (Whoa now, don't underestimate that class. That test was way harder than I expected.)And then coming off a Tuesday being sleep deprived due to the previous night's cram sesh, and having to take said exam, AND having class all day. (No really. I have a 5:30-8 pm class on Tuesdays)
Anyway...I'm sitting here, trying to figure out why today was so great.

Maybe it was being able to sleep in, because I didn't have class until 11.
Maybe it was not waking up to my alarm, but to a text saying, "Good Morning!" from one of my favorite people in the world. Because a "good morning" text from the right person ALWAYS makes my mornings better.
Or maybe, it was sitting in class re-reading my syllabus', and realizing that on the Friday before spring break, one of my classes is cancelled, and the other, I realized doesn't have an exam I can miss...thus...starting my spring break a DAY EARLY.
Maybe it was finally sightreading the piano arrangement of "I Stand All Amazed" that I've been obsessing over for the past couple weeks. And maybe it was the sweet girls who told me how impressed they were at how great it sounded...even though I was just sightreading.
It could maybe be the fact that I went to institute. Mayyyyyybeeeeee.
Maybe, perhaps, possibly, it was lunch with Al my pal. Because I was cracking up so hard, as usual. I don't even remember why. Regardless. So much good.
...Or it was maybe the fact that I fiiiinallyyyyy got my memory card back from him. Loaded with 250 songs. Ohhh yah.
Maybe though, it was going to my first kickboxing class with Olivia. Which was SO TIGHT. And I didn't even look as pathetic as I thought I would. The teacher complimented me. What?!
Oh, maybe it was Florida beating South Carolina. And Nova was upset. Yeah, I went there.
Maybe it was not only finding mail in my mail box, but having it be a certificate congratulating me on making the Dean's List. Shucks, thanks.
But maybe, it was just appreciating the little things, not worrying too much, and enjoying the now. After all, life isn't about waiting for the storm to's about learning how to dance in the rain.