Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Life as a Grown-Up

It always happens like this.
I go out on a limb and make super difficult decisions.
As hard as they are, I know they're the right choices.
Then life sucks.
But then...
Everything is just...amazing.
It always happens like this.
You might say it's sheer coincidence.
I think it's more.
But I'm not going to gush about how great everything is working out right now.
Okay. Maybe a little.
So I was doing some major job hunting.
...Just like every other teenager.
Really though, I was pulling my hair out at home. I needed to work.
Every restaurant was shooting me down because I said I wouldn't work on Sundays.
Yeah. Lame.
So I just went on with life. Making aprons. Baking stuff. Hanging out with friends.
Then one Sunday, I was talking to a guy at my church.
"Yeah I'm looking for a job. Anything really. Of course, working in an office type job would be amazing."
"Well, I'll keep a look out for ya!"
...Everyone says that.
So I didn't expect much.
Until he called me a couple days later.
Until I sent him a resume.
Until the Law Firm of Davis Miles called me for an interview.
Until I had the most intimidating interview of my life. (Spelling/editing/timed typing tests, Spanish translation test, HALF THE INTERVIEW WAS IN SPANISH. what.)
Until the interviewer said, "Normally we don't hire anyone with little experience...or in your experience...but we're going to take a chance on you."
Until I got a call offering me a full time job as the front desk receptionist.
It all exceeded my expectations.
I now work in the classiest office ever on Tempe Town Lake. I answer phones. I take payments. I notify attorneys when their clients are here. I put data in the system. I work full time. I wear classy clothes and high heels every day.
And it's funny, because I'm pretty much the youngest person there.
I roll with adults. I'm learning so much about the professional world. Heck, I'm learning a ton about the legal field! And it is sooo interesting.
It's definitely a little weird.
I declared at the beginning of this summer that it was the summer of change.
And I totally see it happening.
My priorities are changing.
I feel myself growing up.
I mean, when you spend 8 hours a day associating with adults in a work environment you can't really joke about poop.
...Not that I do that...
And i'm not saying I'm changing completely.
I'm still a goof.
And I still dress up ridiculously and learn dances and make music videos with my best friend.
I'm not turning into a "I'm-too-cool-so-I'm-going-to-be-lame-and-boring" person.
But I'm definitely learning about what I really want in life.
Where I want to go. What I want to be. Who I want to associate with.
It's kind of refreshing.
Work also distracts me. Keeps me busy. My mind stays clear.
Which is exactly what I needed right now.
Funny how the best things happen when you need it most?
Anyway. This job isn't the only great thing going on in my life.
I could go on about the amazing people around me.
The greatest adventures we've been having.
The awesome things I've been making.
The sickest sale on clothes I found the other day.
...But I'll write about that another day.

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