Sunday, August 21, 2011

Harder to Breathe

I don't get sick. I mean really. I can't remember the last time I was sick longer than a couple days...or even a time that I was so sick I had to go to the doctor.
So, naturally, I would get sick the second to last day of band camp.
Of course.
I guess I should probably explain what happened...
Essentially, on Wednesday night, I started Like maybe I had a fever, maybe I had a sore throat, maybe I just felt like poop.
But then again I was working my butt off at band camp. Probably just some symptoms of exhaustion, right?
I started feeling like a fish out of water, I kid you not. It was becoming harder and harder to breathe (lol, Maroon 5) and I started getting scared. No worries though. I'm Scarlett. I fight through stuff. So I took my inhaler and went to sleep.
Except I couldn't sleep. Because I kept waking up in pain and unable to breathe.
No worries though. I'm Scarlett. I fight through stuff.
So I go to band. I march in warm up block. I'm standing in concert arcs. It's getting harder and harder to breathe.
Not only was it harder to breathe though, my breaths were getting louder, I couldn't get enough air in.
This was quite possibly the most scary moment of my life.
After much persuasion, I sat on the side lines gasping for air, and crying out of fear, and pain.
No worries though. I'm Scarlett. I fight through stuff.
Except. It wasn't getting better.
After much persuasion, I sat in the waiting room of the local urgent care. The doctor gave me two nebulizers and steroid shot. My breathing still wasn't great, and I was feeling defeated.
That's when they did a chest x-ray. And that's when the doctor decided it was pneumonia.
Oddly enough, I was glad to hear that. Finally, an explanation.
Anyway. I spent the last day of band camp popping prescription pills, laying on my couch watching hours of Netflix, coming in and out of a fever, coughing, and feeling helpless and pathetic.
I would've done nearly ANYTHING to be out in the 100 something degree weather having my butt kicked by band.
But it is what it is.
I'm feeling slightly better. More energetic. More able to eat. So that's a start.
And aside from this whole sickness, and the issues with the cable/wireless internet at my apartment (which by the way, I totally fixed by myself...small victories.), life has been great.
My little apartment is turning into more of a home every day.
My room is super cute with all of the DIY stuff I made.
I've been spending a lot of time with one of my roomies, Brandi, and she is so sweet, and so much fun.
My bike, aka Nimubus 3000, is so baller, and so convenient.
Band is SO worth it, and I'm so excited for the rest of the season.
I'm thinking though, that everything will just go uphill from here. It doesn't get much worse than I was a couple days I'm looking forward to a great rest of the semester.

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