Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What's On Your Mind?

I got into the habit of not posting.
This changes now.
This could be a result of my laptop being broken.
Yeah, tragic.
It's currently undergoing surgery at the Hewlett Packard Factory.
Although it's been a total pain not having my laptop it's given me some time to think...and sleep.
And what did I think about?
Not that I missed it...but how it's taking over the world.
Add me on Facebook.
Tag me on Facebook.
Everyone has a Facebook.
My grandpa has a Facebook.
And personally I'm a fan of Facebook. Converted to the Facebook World 5 years ago...back when barely anyone had a Facebook. Back when people used Facebook for the simplest keep in touch.
I miss those days.
People take Facebook way too seriously.
A relationship status on Facebook makes it "official."
Starting drama over Facebook.
Facebook comment wars.
Deleting people as friends on Facebook.
Getting offended if someone doesn't comment, "Happy Birthday."
Getting offended if someone doesn't say, "Thank you." for a compliment on a picture.
Having lectures in class about "Facebook Etiquette."
Posting "vague" status' to prove a point about something or someone.
Poking people.
My dear friend Stephen made a good point today, in regards to not posting the date of his birthday.
"I don't want 21381765230962 comments from people who really don't give a shit. So when I get one, it's because someone actually remembered."
I mean, yeah, a friendly Facebook reminder that it's someone's birthday because it totally slipped your mind is nice.
But when you use Facebook as your primary form of communication, it becomes an issue.
Here's my rant about Facebook:
It's not my life. Yes I will admit, I have mastered the art of Facebook stalking, but really, who hasn't? My mother has. Please.
I'm not going to delete you as a friend. I'm not going to have "friend sweeps." Why? At some point, you added someone because you had contact with them. I honestly don't care enough to go through the 500 something friends I have to take the time to delete people. If I don't talk to you anymore, if you hate me, if I hate you...I don't take Facebook seriously enough to "de-friend" you to prove a point. It's stupid. I'm glad you care enough about Facebook to take the time to do so, though.
Furthermore, I don't need Facebook to define a relationship. And if you want to have your relationship advertised on Facebook...then don't hide it from anyone. Case closed.
To those who post every little thing about their lives as status updates? Get over it. Some things should be kept to yourselves. You're not proving a point. You're not gaining my sympathy.
Well, I don't know. Because if he wanted to talk to you, he probably would've by now, right? Yeah, I'm not a fan of poking. I won't start poking, nor will I poke back. Sorry.
My english prof deleted his Facebook. He figured if people were his true friends, they'd just keep in contact with him without Facebook.
I thought about doing that for a minute.
But really, Facebook is a great way to keep in contact. I'll admit it. I've been able to rekindle many friendships from Florida or whatever through Facebook. And yeah, it's a great way to share pictures, share news/events...blah blah blah.
But when it gets to the point that it causes drama or whatever? That's when it's too much. And really, we're all guilty of it at some point. (all of us who have a Facebook...that is.)
Anyway, I think I'll go check my Facebook now.

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